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Welcome on the website of

Tiberius Black


What brought you here? -


- the name of the author?

- the appealing titles of his books?

- recommended by another reader?

- you saw my booktrailer on YouTube of Stone Empire?

- Or you came accidentally here…


Here you can get acquainted with the mysterious world of this writer.


May be, you think I am an English or American author?No. Ik am Dutch, but my books have been translated into English, German, French, Spanish and are now also in Chinese available.


Inspired by movies as ‘National Treasure’ and stories from Dan Brown, I like to take you along in my stories all over the world searching for mysterious treasures and finding artefacts in our history. To let you discover that there are more things unexplainable then humanity is letting to believe.


My goal: Not heavy stories with a biography, but exciting adventures who will keep you fascinated from the beginning till the end. To give you a moment away from your daily routine bussiness and let you ‘dream’, or step into another reality who might also excised.With an extra attention for high schools students who do not like to read but have to: Exciting, educating, beyond emigination and with a ‘twist’…


---- Nothing looks like it seems!… ----






Tiberius Black




Stone Empire - Official Book Trailer





            Listen to the Interview with  

            Tiberius  Black on ASB Radio.  


 episode 40























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